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تستورد شركة ابو سالم المنتجات اليمنية مباشرة من اليمن بالتعاون مع شركة ابلدوورن في اليمن وتحرص شركتنا على ان تكون الجودة عالية وان يكون السعر مناسب للمستهلك

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About Abusalim

Welcome to Abusalim! We are dedicated to providing you with the best products and experiences. At Abusalim, we curate a diverse range of high-quality items, including Aqeeq gemstone jewelry, stylish household items, captivating beauty and incense products, flavorful spices, premium coffee, pure honey, nourishing oils, and wholesome dried goods. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction is paramount. Explore our collections and discover the essence of Abusalim.


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